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How to Make Kratom Tea


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How to Make Kratom Tea

Many are intrigued by this mystical Southeast Asian plant and aspire to create a beverage that makes the most of kratom’s proposed health benefits.

Do you want to know more about the different methods of making delicious kratom tea? Read on to learn about its benefits, uses, and variations.

Benefits of kratom tea

Kratom tea has gained popularity among enthusiasts who enjoy its effects. It is brewed using kratom leaves or powder, which contain alkaloids that interact with the body in various ways.

Several factors can influence the experience, including:

  • The user’s tolerance level.

  • Whether it was taken on a full or empty stomach.

  • The individual’s weight, size, and metabolism.

  • The amount consumed and the presence of other substances.

Kratom tea recipe

Kratom tea is made using leaves from the Mitragyna speciosa tree, which are dried and ground into a fine powder. Some also use raw leaves.

There is a growing interest in this botanical for its natural properties. Many find that brewing it into tea is a convenient and enjoyable way to consume it.

Many enthusiasts think that beverages containing smaller amounts, around 1–4 grams of kratom, may provide an uplifting effect and enhance energy. Larger amounts of 5–8 grams are often associated with a more relaxing experience and feelings of euphoria.

The most commonly accepted method to brew kratom tea is by using kratom powder. One cup of this warm beverage can offer a unique experience.

Once you determine the right amount for you, you can create your ideal cup. The brewing process simply requires blending your preferred strain of powder with hot water.

Adding sweeteners such as honey or stevia helps to reduce the bitter taste, while acidic ingredients like lemon can complement it well.

Over or under-steeping might affect the quality of the tea, and boiling water may alter the plant’s natural properties. To preserve its compounds, stop the kettle before the water reaches boiling.

Ingredients for kratom tea

The ingredients needed for making kratom tea with powder include:

  • Around 20–25 grams of kratom powder, depending on how many cups you want to make.
  • A colander or coffee filter, and a small lemon.
  • A saucepan with a pouring lip.
  • A small whisk such as a matcha whisk.
  • Water.
  • Sweeteners like honey, sugar, agave juice, or maple syrup.

Step-by-step instructions

Here’s a simple guide you can follow:

  1. Add half a cup of water to a pot and bring it to a boil.
  2. When boiling, add kratom powder, reduce the temperature, and let it simmer for 10–15 minutes. Stir every once in a while.
  3. Take the pot off the stove when the color changes to a deep orange or yellow.
  4. Strain the herb and transfer it to another cup. Afterward, discard the leftover powder.
  5. Pour some lemon or grapefruit juice to increase the effects of the tea, and your drink is ready.

Any remaining tea can be stored in the fridge for two to three weeks if you add sweeteners for preservation.

Strictly follow the instructions for the kratom tea recipe to get the best results. Regardless of the amount of water you use, the effects will be the same when fully consumed.

The taste of the beverage may not be very pleasant, but it’s an effective method for high absorption of the active components of kratom.

Other methods of making kratom tea

There are many other ways to prepare kratom tea, which include using tea bags, extracts, and capsules.

Kratom tea bags are an easy and convenient way to make a brew. They’re filled with pre-measured amounts of powder.

All you need to do is steep the bag in hot water for a few minutes. This technique is the best if you don’t want to measure out the correct dosage of kratom powder.

Extracts are more concentrated forms of the herb. They can be added to hot water to make a potent cuppa. It’s a great option for those who want to get the most out of their kratom dose.

Another procedure is the sun tea method. It’s a better way to make large quantities you can use for the entire week. It involves using the sun’s UV rays to make the drink, although it may not contain the same potency as the traditional stovetop brew.

If you’re a fan of sweet beverages, or you don’t enjoy hot drinks, kratom iced tea is also an excellent choice. The sweet flavor masks the bitter taste of the powder and creates a pleasant, refreshing sip on a sunny day.

You can also use kratom capsules to make this drink. Simply empty the pills into hot water and stir until the powder dissolves.

How to make kratom tea in a coffee pot

The method of brewing the herb using a coffee pot is simple and only requires a few steps. Here are the guidelines to make this beverage:

  1. Fill the coffee pot halfway with water and allow it to boil.
  2. Add the required dose of kratom powder to a strainer and place it inside the filter basket.
  3. Once the water is boiling, pour it over the strainer containing the powder. To derive alkaloids from the powder, double or even triple-brew the tea.
  4. Allow the filtrate to steep for at least five minutes, remove the filter and discard.
  5. Empty the tea back into the reservoir and let it run through the coffee pot again. Once completed, rinse out the container.

How to make kratom tea with a French press

The strength of your drink depends on how long you steep it. This is the main difference between brewing kratom tea using a coffee pot versus a French press.

You can push the plunger down once the herb has steeped for an extended period. This helps enhance the beverage’s relaxing and uplifting effects.

To make this herbal tea with a French press, follow these steps:

  1. Boil the water until it reaches around 190°F. Place crushed leaves in the beaker.
  2. Add your hot water, and stir in your lemon juice.
  3. Steep kratom tea for about 15 minutes, then press the regulator down.
  4. Feel free to sweeten and add milk to your preference.

Preparing kratom in an aeropress

To prepare the herbal tea in an aeropress, follow these simple steps:

  1. Begin by grinding the desired amount of kratom leaves into a fine powder.
  2. Add it to the aeropress chamber, and pour in your hot water.
  3. Use a coffee stirrer to mix the powder-water mixture to ensure it completely dissolves.
  4. Once fully combined, place the aeropress chamber onto its stand and push the plunger.
  5. Gently push the plunger as the drink gains pressure. Slowly press until it sits comfortably at the bottom. The result is a highly concentrated kratom tea.

Cold brew kratom tea

Cold brew kratom tea is a refreshing and healthy beverage that’s gaining popularity due to its many reported health benefits. It’s made by brewing the leaves overnight at cold room temperature and is a great alternative to traditional hot drinks.

With its slightly earthy flavor, it provides a boost of natural energy without caffeine jitters. Kratom, the key ingredient, is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that may support immunity, energy levels, digestion, and mood.

How to make kratom tea with fresh leaves

Make the best kratom tea by potentiating its effects with acidic ingredients. Using fresh kratom leaf bundles to make a cuppa is a straightforward process:

  1. Start by crumbling the leaves to form a powder. To ensure the powder breaks up, do it in batches using hot water.
  2. After it’s dissolved, add more water to the resulting liquid and bring it to a boil.
  3. Lower the heat and allow the liquid to simmer for 10–15 minutes.
  4. When the mixture has been reduced to a thick syrup, strain out the leaves and serve the tea hot.


How to make kratom tea with crushed leaves

Making kratom sip with crushed leaves is effortless and convenient:

  1. Measure out the preferred size of ground kratom leaves, usually 1–2 teaspoons.
  2. Add the fine powder to a pot, and fill it with one cup of water.
  3. Boil over medium-high heat, and stir occasionally to provide an even consistency.
  4. Once boiling, reduce the heat to medium-low and let the mixture simmer for 15 minutes.
  5. Strain the drink into a cup using a coffee filter, cheesecloth, or strainer.

Tips for making the perfect kratom tea

Do you want to transform your kratom tea into a culinary journey? Here are some tips to make the tastiest brew:

  • Add ginger, mint, or basil for an herbal flavor.
  • Infuse with coconut oil or camellia leaves for a warm, comforting taste.
  • Throw in a few cloves and cinnamon sticks for a spicy kick.
  • Add sugar, milk, whipped cream, and vanilla for a divine kratom latte.
  • Switch things up with an ice brew. Keeping your tea in the fridge gives it a nice chill, and it’s perfect for grabbing and going when you’re in a rush.

Note: It’s always better to brew in batches, as it saves more time. Refrigerated kratom tea usually lasts for at least five days. You can make a brew on Monday and have enough for the entire week.

Kratom tea and its advantages

This hot drink may be an enjoyable beverage with several advantages. It might support energy levels, promote focus, and encourage relaxation. Many also find it useful for overall well-being, enhancing mood, and complementing a balanced lifestyle.


If you’re looking to experience the benefits of this herb, Kratom Country offers lab-tested kratom that’s safe and pure.

FAQs about kratom tea

Are you curious about how to make kratom tea? Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions concerning this herbal remedy.

What’s the best way to strain kratom tea?

Use a fine-mesh strainer, as it catches particles while allowing the beverage to pass through. Different strains have various viscosities and some may require extra patience when straining.

Ensure the filter is made of a material that won’t affect the flavor. A tea ball or infuser works perfectly to impart the kratom alkaloids while making straining a thing of the past.

How do you make kratom tea stronger?

To achieve a stronger brew, you can use a slightly higher amount of powder than usual. Another option is to allow the tea to steep for a longer period while ensuring the water remains warm but not boiling, as excessive heat can degrade certain compounds.

How do you make kratom tea bags?

Brewing kratom tea with pre-filled bags is a convenient method. Follow these steps:

  1. Bring water to a boil.
  2. Once boiling, turn off the heat and let the water cool for about three minutes.
  3. Avoid adding kratom tea directly into boiling water, as extreme heat may alter its properties.
  4. Place ground powder or loose leaves into a tea bag and securely seal it.
  5. Drop the tea bag into the warm water and allow it to steep for several minutes, adjusting steeping time based on your preferred strength.


  • Grundmann, Oliver, et al. "Correlations of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth.) tea bag preparations and reported pharmacological effects." Journal of Ethnopharmacology 317 (2023): 116779.
  • Singh, Darshan, et al. "Long-term cognitive effects of Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth.) use." Journal of psychoactive drugs 51.1 (2019): 19-27.

Disclaimer: Kratom is not regulated by the FDA, nor should it be seen as a means to cure, diagnose, or treat any sort of problem or disease - mental or physical. This page is for entertainment and informational purposes only, does not make any health claims regarding the use of kratom, and you should always consult with a doctor before taking kratom. This page should not be seen or interpreted as medical advice.