Kava vs. Kratom: Comparing the Realms
Both herbs create a sense of well-being, and enthusiasts commonly use them interchangeably. They’re also widely known among wellness circles. What are their effects? Can you use them together?
What is kava?
Kava is a natural plant that locals on the Pacific Island use for ceremonial and medicinal purposes. The botanical is from the pepper family, and people mix its root with water to make a drink.
This beverage has a sedative and calming effect, making it ideal for people trying to reduce stress and worries. It’s also known to have mild analgesic and muscle relaxant properties. Kava isn’t psychoactive. It doesn’t make users high like alcohol or other drugs.
According to studies, the herb treats various ailments, including insomnia, headaches, and urinary tract infections. Kava also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which might reduce the risk of some diseases.
The plant is available in many forms, including capsules, tablets, and liquid extracts. Kava is an important part of the culture of the Pacific Islands’ locals.
What is kratom?
Kratom is a naturally beneficial herb native to Southeast Asia. It’s a member of the Rubiaceae family, which includes coffee and gardenia.
People use the leaves of the kratom tree as a stimulant and sedative supplement, depending on the dose. Locals from Southeast Asia reportedly use the botanical to increase energy, stamina, and endurance.
This herb allegedly helps treat various health conditions, including aches, discomfort, and tension. Enthusiasts often chew the herb’s leaves, take it in capsules, or brew ground powder to make tea.
Kratom and kava similarities
Reports suggest it’s difficult to identify kava and kratom on the farmland. It’s more challenging to distinguish between the botanicals when in powdered form.
Users who take these herbs as tea report they produce similar benefits after consuming them for some time.
According to research, taking kava or kratom may bring relaxation, contentment, optimism, and motivation.
What’s the difference between kava and kratom?
In our kava and kratom comparison, we discovered both have similar influences, but the latter is more potent and delivers a wider variety of effects.
Though people often use these two natural herbs, they aren’t the same thing. Let’s explore their differences below.
Kava and kratom are natural plant derivatives from different geographical and biological origins. The former is scientifically known as Piper methysticum, belonging to the pepper species of plants.
Kava is a small-sized tree that grows natively in the Pacific Islands, particularly in Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and Tonga. The final product is derived from its root, but some think it’s an extract from the plant’s leaves.
Kratom, also known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a natural tropical evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia. The herb mainly grows in Malaysia, Thailand, and Myanmar, but it also thrives in other regions.
Mature kratom trees at their peak can grow to about 80+ feet tall. Like kava, people often take Mitragyna speciosa in powder form.
The local farmers harvest the leaves at different growth cycle stages to produce strains with different vein colors and potency.
Active ingredients
These two herbal supplements possess different active ingredients which produce diverse effects on the body.
Kratom capsules and its other varieties contain alkaloids that interact with the brain. It’s reported that the plant has similar sensations to other anesthetic drugs.
Kratom’s primary ingredients are mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine (7-OH). Kavalactones are the main alkaloids in kava. Only six play a more significant role and constitute over 90% of the plant’s natural active components.
The ingredients differ depending on the herb’s variety, which the chemotype determines. Kava’s alkaloids interact with the limbic system, an area of the brain related to emotions, attitude, and motivation. The results of these chemicals may have a massive impact on the body.
Unlike kratom’s active ingredients, kavalactones aren’t opiate agonists. They don’t have a high risk of side effects or addiction.
Does kava feel like kratom? The answer isn’t simple. These two natural plants have different impacts on the body and mind. While both herbs can have comparable influence, their efficacy may vary among individuals.
Kava has compounds known as kavapyrones, producing similar effects on the brain as alcohol. After consumption, it might induce euphoria, provide soothing sensations, and make you happy.
Studies assert the herb may reduce aches, keep seizures at bay, and induce quality sleep.
Taking kratom powder or capsules can provide various benefits, depending on the dosage. When ingested in small quantities, it may deliver feelings of rejuvenation, increased energy, and mental alertness.
A larger dosage can lead to a sedative effect, stress reduction, and an overall sense of euphoria.
An effective kava dosage is 0.025–0.009 oz. Health practitioners recommend that your daily use of kava shouldn’t exceed 0.009 oz. Its capsule forms are usually available in quantities varying from 0.0176–0.0035 oz.
People may use the two herbal supplements as powders, capsules, or tinctures. Always follow the recommended dosage to get the most out of the herb.
Taking about 0.177 oz. of kratom offers a mild effect for beginners. Consuming 0.177–0.535 oz. can deliver more intense results.
Side effects
The ongoing debate concerning kava continues. While some believe users may consume it safely in limited amounts, others think the risks outweigh its benefits.
For long- and short-term use, kava may have various side effects, including indigestion, rash, headache, drowsiness, and eye issues.
People often use kratom to obtain short-term sensations. Reports indicate that the pleasurable feeling of the herb starts after ten minutes, and the effect often lasts for several hours.
Consuming kratom for temporary results may have a few beneficial effects. While in the long run, it can take its toll and have adverse implications.
Regular ingestion of this herb may cause a decrease in appetite, resulting in weight loss or anorexia. Other side effects include insomnia, nausea, excessive sweating, and itchiness.
Legal status
In the US, most regions legalize the use and possession of kratom. Few states and counties prohibit the consumption of the herb.
These laws are influenced by the absence of medical studies and cases of unreliable vendors that sell adulterated items. Organizations like the American Kratom Association (AKA) advocate for more open policies in the industry.
It also aims to reverse the prohibitions and campaign for equal access to safe and legitimate products in the US. Explore kratom legality by state before attempting to buy or consume the herb.
Kava is mostly accepted across the US. Some regions host discussions about banning the substance, but none have been successful so far. These proposals usually die out without serious consequences, leaving the herb’s standing intact.
Can you use kava root and kratom together?
Herb enthusiasts wonder if they can combine kava root with a kratom drink or other product. Due to limited research, the answer to this question is still unclear.
Some claim that mixing these herbs works for them and provides a variety of benefits. There are other reports that state the combination is unsafe.
It’s important to know that the two botanicals may have powerful effects. Start with a low dose and increase gradually to avoid negative reactions. Consult a medical professional if you’re unsure.
The beneficial herb lowdown
Kava root and kratom leaf are two beneficial herbs that have been used for centuries for their medicinal properties.
Kratom Country boasts pure, high-quality, and safe products in capsule and powder form. If you’re looking for an all-natural way to treat various ailments, these herbs could be a suitable option.
FAQs about kava and kratom
Do you have more queries about kratom and kava? Here are our answers to common questions that herb enthusiasts ask about these substances.
Are kava and kratom safe?
Yes. To ensure the products are safe, source them from reputable vendors. Keep in mind that both kava root and kratom have potential side effects.
The negative reactions of these plants vary among individuals, depending on their usage. Keep yourself safe by consuming moderate doses.
Can kava or kratom be addictive?
Many people have strong opinions about kava and its ability to cause dependency. Some argue that it’s addictive due to the cravings and withdrawal symptoms that can occur after you stop its use.
Other enthusiasts believe it’s not since it doesn’t produce a high like other substances such as alcohol or opioids. There are currently not enough studies to prove whether kratom or kava are addictive.
Is kava better than kratom?
The decision of which is “better” is subjective and depends on your preferences and physical responses. Kava may offer milder, more euphoric sensations, while kratom might provide a more energizing and stimulating experience.
Is kava used for kratom withdrawal?
Some findings suggest that kava may be useful in easing the symptoms of kratom withdrawal. The studies aren’t sufficient to make a firm conclusion. Researchers need to provide more information to prove the effectiveness of kava for kratom withdrawal.
About the Author

Camila Millson is an experienced technologist of quality kratom products. She has over five years of working experience at Kratom Country.
Camila specializes in making kratom capsule technology. She also has extensive experience in developing technology for kratom tea.
Working for a large company, she is involved in the manufacturing processes of kratom powder, capsules, and other products. As well, she is knowledgeable about kratom legalization and can advise clients on these issues.