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Cooking With Kratom Powder: 6 Kratom Recipes to Try


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Cooking With Kratom Powder: 6 Kratom Recipes to Try

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You can choose from a variety of tasty recipes that are enjoyable and healthy. Vegans, you're not left out; we’ve got something to suit your taste buds and health requirements too.
The beneficial alkaloids in kratom remain active after cooking as it is quite heat-resistant. Ensure you choose the strain that best suits your requirements. As a guide, your daily kratom dosage is between 0.07– 0.28 oz.
Begin your day with a kratom dose in a healthy breakfast.

1. Kratom oats

Start with a bowl of oats filled with fatty acids and protein.

  • 1 cup oats
  • Water or milk of your choice or both
  • Approx 0.5 oz of powdered kratom


Heat the milk or water (do not boil)

Add oats and kratom powder to the liquid

Remove the mixture from heat, rest for approximately 3 minutes

Add sugar or honey to taste, add more liquid for your desired consistency.

2. Kratom tropical punch

After you've enjoyed your bowl of oats, wash it down with a glass filled with wholesome fruits.

  • ½ of each Pineapple, mango, and papaya
  • 1 Kiwi
  • Ginger
  • Kratom powder (red Bali kratom powder or the strain of your choice)
  • Ice


In your electric juicer, blend all the fruits and ginger and remove the pulp.

Stir in your kratom dose.

Fill a glass with a few ice cubes, and top up with the tropical punch.

If you're wondering, are there carbs in kratom powder, and how many you'll absorb in one 0.07 oz serving? A typical dose of kratom contains around 5–10 calories; as you can see, it’s negligible.

We've also added something to enjoy with your kratom powder dose if you’re vegan.

3. Vegan peanut butter cookies

Try baking with kratom. A tasty, crunchie cookie with a milk drink is a perfect combination to tickle the taste buds.

  • 1 cup of each peanut butter, sugar, and all-purpose flour.
  • 6 tablespoons almond or any other plant milk of choice
  • 1 teaspoon of each baking powder and vanilla extract
  • Kratom powder (see below)


Preheat the oven to 350℉

Cream the sugar and peanut butter in a mixing bowl, add vanilla extract, and almond milk and mix well.

Add all dry ingredients and mix well.

For even baking, use a spoon to measure equal sizes when scooping the dough.

Add white vein kratom powder (or other strains if you prefer) and form balls.

On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, arrange the balls.

Bake for about 15 minutes till the edges are firm and lightly browned.

Note: The required dose of kratom powder added to the serving size depends on how many cookies you'll have. Split the dough and add the desired amount accordingly.

4. Vegan milk drink

Coconut milk or milk of your choice.


Mix the milk with your dose of red Maeng Da kratom powder (or other chosen strain) in a blender.

Add pineapple and ice, and turn your milk drink into a virgin pina colada.

These tasty vegan kratom powder food recipes can be enjoyed while getting your daily dose in.

5. Kratom marinara sauce

Your next pizza or pasta dish has never tasted so good:

  • 28 ounces of peeled tomatoes
  • 1 yellow onion, chopped
  • 2 large cloves of peeled garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 each teaspoon of dried oregano and basil
  • ½ teaspoon sugar
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 doses of red Thai kratom powder (or alternative chosen strain)


In a saucepan, combine and boil all ingredients except the kratom powder over medium-high heat.

Simmer for 45 minutes over reduced low heat, and crush the tomatoes while stirring occasionally

After removing from heat, leave the mixture to cool down for 10 minutes.

Pour into the blender and mix, then stir in your kratom powder dosages.

The sauce can be frozen, portioned in airtight containers for up to 6 months, or kept in the refrigerator for four days. Add the sauce to meatballs, pasta, or pizza for a delicious dinner.

Then after dinner, you can enjoy a beverage like:

6. Citrus kratom tea

Enjoy a relaxing cup of tea with vitamin C, antioxidants, and a dose of kratom.

  • 2 cups of water
  • ½ of each sliced lemon, orange, and lime
  • Honey, to taste
  • Your dose of kratom


In a pot, bring water to a boil.

Add the kratom powder, reduce the heat, and simmer for 15 minutes.

Add all the citrus fruit and honey, simmer for another 5 minutes

Remove from heat, and strain into a teacup.

The number of calories in kratom powder used in the citrus tea, if it was 0.07 oz, equates to only 7.4.

Let's wrap it up

Eating healthy while cooking with kratom powder; from breakfast to dinner, you can enjoy your dose without the bitter aftertaste. There are health benefits as well.

Users’ effects of kratom vary; some reported the fast pain relief of exercise soreness. For others, their daily kratom dose enhances their energy levels.

There are various reports of the herb being used for pain relief, for example, in fibromyalgia and other chronic conditions.

Your daily dose will depend on your required dosage and your kratom powder recipe.

Ready to get cooking? Buy pure kratom from us and start your culinary adventures today.