Magnesium and Kratom: What Do You Need to Know?


What is magnesium? What is kratom? Does magnesium citrate interact with kratom? A safe and effective combination FAQs about magnesium and kratom

Some users swear by magnesium as a potentiator, guaranteeing longer and stronger kratom experiences. Others call the interaction non-existent and report no combined effects or adverse reactions.

What do we officially know about this blend?

Join us to learn about the kratom-magnesium combo. We introduce the substances separately and discuss what happens when you consume them together.


What is magnesium?

Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in more than 300 of the body’s biochemical reactions. It exists in every human cell, but the bones, blood, and muscles contain the highest concentrations.

One of magnesium’s primary roles is aiding the enzymes. Its molecules help turn energy into food, contract and relax the muscles, create proteins from amino acids, and much more.

This mineral is present in various foods, like nuts, greens, and beans. Still, American studies suggest that almost 50% of the population doesn’t get enough magnesium through nutrition alone. So, many turn to these supplements:

  • Magnesium citrate is the most common type of magnesium supplement. It consists of organic magnesium salt and citric acid. It’s highly bioavailable, meaning the body easily absorbs it.
  • Magnesium glycinate is very gentle on the stomach. It contains elemental magnesium and glycine amino acids, a bioavailable mix with a high gastrointestinal tolerance.
  • Magnesium oxide is an affordable multivitamin ingredient. It consists of magnesium and oxygen ions, has moderate bioavailability, and may cause stomach issues.
  • Magnesium sulfate goes by the name of Epsom salt. It contains magnesium, oxygen, and sulfur. It looks similar to table salt and may relax muscles and relieve stress.

The best supplement type depends on your body and needs, but magnesium is perfect for most people.


magnesium citrate and kratom


Here are its benefits:

  • Better exercise performance: Magnesium moves sugar into the muscles and disposes of lactic acid, which can cause fatigue. As such, it may assist your athletic endeavors.
  • Better mental health: Research suggests low magnesium levels correlate with psychological issues. Supplementation may improve mood and relieve stress.
  • Better blood sugar: Diabetes patients often have low magnesium levels, as this mineral increases insulin sensitivity.
  • Better heart health: Magnesium may reduce blood pressure and keep the heart safe. A review linked the mineral to a lower risk of heart disease.
  • Better bone health: Magnesium deficiencies increase the risk of osteoporosis, fractures, and bone loss. Consuming it keeps the bones dense and strong.
  • Better sleep: People may use magnesium supplements as natural sleep aids. Studies suggest it makes you fall asleep easier and increases rest quality and duration.
  • Reducing migraine symptoms: A study found magnesium more effective against acute migraines than prescription meds. It may also reduce the frequency of these headaches.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Inflammation may cause rapid aging and chronic illness, and it’s more common in people with magnesium deficiencies.

Before explaining magnesium citrate and kratom interactions, let’s introduce our other herb.


What is kratom?

Kratom is a Southeast Asian evergreen tree with stimulating and soothing properties. Its Latin name is Mitragyna speciosa. Its leaves contain alkaloids that influence the brain receptors, inducing temporary changes to the system.


kratom leaves


This herb has been central to eastern herbal medicine and religious rituals. Practitioners chewed on leaves and brewed them into teas. As it moved westward, powdered form and capsules became widespread for their prolonged freshness.

Kratom comes in various strains, which we differentiate based on color and origins.

The color refers to the leaf veins at harvest time. They begin as white when the tree is young, and these leaves’ effects are usually cerebral and energizing. As the plant ages, the veins turn green and red, and the influence becomes more physical and soothing.

The origins relate to kratom’s native countries. It originates from Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea, and each has a unique soil profile. As a result, effects and potency vary slightly between regions. For instance, Thailand-grown herbs are the strongest.

As a rule, small doses bring energy while higher ones relax the body. The effects kick in 15–45 minutes and last 2–6 hours.

Here’s why you may consume kratom:

  • Higher energy levels: Small doses kick-start the body, similarly to strong coffee. Users experience less fatigue and more motivation to get things done.
  • Better focus and cognition: According to reports, kratom improves concentration, memory, and productivity. You may take it before work or a study session for better performance.
  • Improved disposition and creativity: All doses of kratom are stress-busting, leaving you carefree and in a good mood. These effects support social and artistic endeavors. In higher amounts, it also induces euphoric sensations.
  • Reduced discomfort: Higher kratom amounts may lower your perception of aches and tension. Whether nursing an injury, dealing with chronic issues, or feeling sore from long sedentary periods, it may leave you comfortable.

So, kratom has recreational, feel-good applications. Studies are still scarce on its therapeutic uses, but people may use it to self-medicate against symptoms of various conditions.


Does magnesium citrate interact with kratom?

Since they have different roles and chemical behaviors, magnesium citrate and kratom don’t interact in any meaningful way. They don’t interfere with each other’s processes, and there shouldn’t be any reactions if you consume them simultaneously.


magnesium and kratom


While not directly affecting the experience, the mineral can aid kratom users. Constipation is among the adverse effects of kratom, and magnesium aids digestion and bowel movements.

This alone wouldn’t skyrocket magnesium in the Mitragyna speciosa community, though.

There’s been a growing body of anecdotes that magnesium citrate enhances kratom. People combine them to reduce their tolerance and boost their enjoyment.


Breaking kratom tolerance

Kratom tolerance occurs due to long-term consumption. The body adjusts to the herb and acts as usual despite its presence. In other words, kratom loses its effectiveness, and you must take more to reach the desired state.

Some people use magnesium to reduce their tolerance to kratom.

Magnesium is an NMDA antagonist, blocking the hypersensitive reward system and reducing opioid tolerance. Since kratom interacts with the same receptors as opioids, magnesium may restore your limits.

There hasn’t been any medical data to prove this interaction, but anecdotes confirm it. Using magnesium might help you stick to the safe and proper kratom dose and get your ideal effects.


Magnesium as a kratom potentiator

Potentiators are ingredients that make a substance stronger and longer-lasting, and magnesium may do that to kratom.

Magnesium boosts the body’s absorption and metabolic capabilities. It may increase the rates at which it breaks down and takes in kratom, making it more efficient.

Users report their kratom feels stronger when consumed with magnesium. For some, the effects mostly intensify in terms of discomfort relief.

Here’s how to take magnesium with kratom to reap these benefits:

  • Mixing kratom powder into magnesium-rich smoothies is a healthy and convenient option. Fruits, greens, and nuts can mask the bitter herbal flavor.
  • Taking kratom pills with magnesium capsules is quick and neat. As a bonus, supplements contain citric acid, which has an additional potentiating influence.

The boost might be slight, but it’s valuable to folks who’d otherwise increase their dose and quickly develop a tolerance.


A safe and effective combination

As long as you watch your dose, there’s nothing inherently dangerous about pairing kratom with magnesium. In fact, as a kratom user, you’ve already been doing this every time you eat a leafy salad or a nutty snack.

Magnesium is beneficial, and the potentiation could be invaluable to long-term kratom users. Why not get a go-ahead from your doctor and start harnessing these substances’ power?

Get magnesium pills from a local pharmacy and order lab-tested supplements from our store today.


FAQs about magnesium and kratom

Got any more burning queries? Let’s end by answering some frequently asked questions about this herbal combo.


Can I use magnesium for kratom withdrawal?

Using magnesium for kratom withdrawal isn’t a substitute for medical treatment. If you struggle with addiction, consult a professional. This mineral may relieve muscle tension and aches, which are frequent withdrawal symptoms. Research on its effectiveness for kratom addiction is scarce, though.


How much magnesium can I use with kratom?

The recommended maximum daily magnesium intake is 400–420 mg for adult men and 310–320 mg for adult women. Kratom doesn’t change the body’s absorption of this mineral, so it doesn’t affect the metric.


Is mixing kratom and magnesium safe?

Since kratom and magnesium don’t have significant interactions, they should be safe to mix. The combo hasn’t seen extensive studies, though. We say it’s best to consult a physician before trying any new blend.

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